Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Plant-based Kitchen Essentials

People are often overwhelmed at changing their diet because they are under the impression that it's difficult and expensive. While it definitely can be, I have compiled a few "essentials" that I think are a great place to start. To be honest I don't have many fancy kitchen gadgets nor do I use many exotic ingredients myself. I'm a college student who lives with my parents. I have to make do with a 30 dollar blender and that's okay. What I am trying to say is while it is important to invest in your health, it's not necessary to spend hundreds of dollars on a Vitamix- though I do dream of the day I can finally get my hands on one-. I'll split this into two posts, the first will be my essential kitchen tools and the second will be my essential ingredients.

My Kitchen Tools

1. A blender- I use this one

I use my blender everyday. I have for over a year and it still works great, while it's not going to pulverize strawberry seeds anytime soon it does make really nice, creamy smoothies. I also juice with it. I add my ingredients, blend, and then I strain it through a mesh strainer a couple of times. It's much more time consuming than a juicer, but I work with what I have.

2. A food processor- I use this one

If you are vegan, plant-based, fully raw, whatever. A food processor will be your best friend. I use mine AT LEAST once a day. Whether I am making nut butters, pasta sauce, or am pureeing veggies, it's amazing. I have had mine for a year and I don't know what I would do without it.

3. A big cutting board
I recently got a large bamboo cutting board for my birthday. I was so excited. I had been using small plastic ones which made me nervous because I try to stay away from plastic as much as possible. A cutting board is essential considering the amount of fruits and veggies I chop in a day.

4.A large pot

5. Frying pans

I recommend a large one for stir fry and sauces and a small one for when preparing garnishes and such.

6. A cookie sheet

It's good to keep parchment paper around to line it or you could use a Silmat.

7. Mason jars

Mason jars are everywhere on the internet, I know, but before you roll your eyes let me tell you... They are good for everything. I drink out of them all day, I keep onions in them because it keeps my refrigerator from smelling gross and onion-y, I make salad dressing in them and I eat my cereal and oatmeal out of them on the way to school. Do recommend.

8. Knives

I do think people should invest in knives. That being said, I am a hypocrite who uses knives that are as sharp as a pair of safety scissors. No bueno. I am planning on investing in a nice set as soon as i save up enough money.

Well, that's a shorter list than I thought it would be... It goes to show you that eating this way can be very simple. It's just very easy to overcomplicate it. Don't.
I will post the second part - My Pantry Essentials- in the next couple weeks.

Hope I helped a bit!

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